Friday, May 01, 2009


She said to my friend that she really didn't want to date
Right? So was breaking off the engagement

But she had been seeing another man
Did she start before or after she left him?

Either way, she was lying

He said that he would respond to my email by X
And used the word promise
But he failed to honor his promise

He was lying

She said he was too old for her
That she was just climbing with him because he
Was a good climber

And I said to her - within two weeks you'll be fucking him
Who was correct? I was.

She was lying

She said the contra dances were a nice happy healthy place
To go dancing, to enjoy the community
I said they were a meat market, a sublimated sex club

And she ended up dating and fucking
My ex landlord, who goes to those dances all the time

That's terriffic

I wonder : why does he go
To those dances all the time?

Hey, you people, when you open your mouths
And say things
Remember that there is One who is listening
Who actually believes

Your words


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