Diving In
You were everything unawakened in me
Is it possible, in my ancient longing for you
I was sifting through my own darkness?
Already dreaming you'd left me
Which came after you'd left me
I gave chase
While you dreamt of strangling me
I dreamt of you again and again
After you were gone, I was, at last
Able to tell you everything
We walked the dirt road
Looking over the bay
Where you had disappeared for a moment, swimming
While I watched from the dock
Is it possible, in my ancient longing for you
I was sifting through my own darkness?
Already dreaming you'd left me
Which came after you'd left me
I gave chase
While you dreamt of strangling me
I dreamt of you again and again
After you were gone, I was, at last
Able to tell you everything
We walked the dirt road
Looking over the bay
Where you had disappeared for a moment, swimming
While I watched from the dock
I can feel this one AP. It comes from a deep place. Evocative. Clear.
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