I went over to the ______’s house
To look through my stuff in the garage
It was there from when ____ left me
In the autumn five years ago
The cool wind was blowing
Through the changing leaves
Winter coming
__________’s son was there
And he walked up to the barn with me
We spoke directly, but indirectly
About the situation
I looked through things and found
An old CD, on which my ex-wife
Had written, in permanent marker
With sincere, and childlike script
Our two names, connected with a plus sign
While we moved a few boxes
___________ arrived in her car
And invited me in, so we talked for a while
And didn’t talk, because her son was there
About the disintegration of her family
Or _____________’s many affairs
I told them I would see them next week
The amalgam pavement outside the library
Seems to contain universes
____________, the librarian, knows me and
Indicating the Union soldier statue
We speak about the South
I come to escape a red haired angel/tormentor
To retreat, as self-styled aristocrats do
Onto family land
There is nothing remaining of me
As I unload the car with the detritus of 45 years
In this world, and a lovely woman from the past
Smiles to me as she steps out of the bridal shop
In her face a gentle, frightened, happy, aloof, dispassionate
Gleam of memory
In the local roadways, ground into every mile of asphalt
Ten thousand lives, love, marriage, children
In the windows of stores, the haunting faces of ghosts
Women standing alone in their driveways, at the midpoint
Between youth and old age, between joy and bitterness
And as far as me, as always
Driving, seemingly only at home, only at peace
Putting on garments that pass for the Self, and dressing emptiness
In songs from speakers in the back seats